letters to surfers

When were the original 12 apostles of Jesus saved?
by Robert Brow  (www.brow.on.ca)

Answer: In the model used on this website the disciples of Jesus were baptized with a view to begin learning his good news
(John 4:1). But many baptized disciples quit (John 6:66) as illustrated in the parable of the Sower. It took Peter two or more
years to grasp who Jesus was (Matthew 16:16-17). But he was not empowered by the Holy Spirit till the Day of Pentecost
(Acts 1:8). Judas served in missions for Jesus, but because of greed for money (John 12:6) he allowed himself to be
possessed by Satan to betray his master (Luke 22:3). So knowing at what point other people are saved is not for us to

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